How to Write a Case Study

January 17, 2013

Case study writing is a popular assignment at colleges and universities and is very effective for students who plan to become professionals in their future occupation. The paper is aimed at the development of student’s critical and analytical thinking skills. A case study is a research of a general topic which has found its impact in a particular concrete “case” (organization, enterprise, school, hospital, etc.) and requires profound analysis and time for investigation. Students often have troubles with the paper, because they do not know how to do a case study properly, how to organize the writing process effectively and apply for help in the Internet. Below there are professional case study writing guidelines, which will be useful for every student, who has problems with this assignment.

Case Study Writing Tips:

1 Before writing a case study think about the problem of the research. You may choose the field which is interesting to you and it will be the advantage, because you will improve your writing process and will work more energetic and with the feeling of excitement. Having chosen the problem, brainstorm or find an appropriate case site. Case site is the place where the “case” occurred. It can be a firm, university, company and you have to connect the problem with the case site. If you manage to find the case from the real life connected with your problem, it will be a success.

2 Writing case studies remember to collect enough data to know about the topic everything. The more you know, the better analysis you will compose and the smarter conclusions draw. So, read books, encyclopedias, articles in periodicals to know about the problem everything.

3 In order to organize the writing process create a good and detailed case study outline. It will help you greatly, if you do not know how to make a case study effectively. Plan your work carefully, divide the paper into logical chapters and follow the outline strictly to show you are able to think logically and compose your thoughts into a good order.

4 A case study paper is not just writing, you have to use different methods for the research. The best variant here will be the method of the interview. Go to the representatives of the firms or schools and ask a list of questions valuable for the research. Ask them about their actions to solve the problem of their “case”, whether their actions were effective and whether there were other ways of the solution of the problem. You may ask more detailed questions following your outline.

5 Analyze the information you managed to gather. Combine it with the data collected in the library and in the Internet and make your own vision of the case. Try to be objective to analyze things soberly. When you have enough information, you are able to write the case study quite fast. If you have no idea how to create a case study successfully, remember that it includes such sections: introduction (you present the problem here), background of the case (here you explain the case and what happened there), methodology section (here you describe the used methods), then, there are sections which explain the solution of the problem and finally, there is a conclusion which summarizes everything. Remember, that a case study format is extremely important for the success of the assignment, so do your best to keep to it.

If you do not want to lose time and complete a successful assignment by the deadline, writing service will provide you with an original custom case study prepared by a professional writer for the most affordable price.

Posted in Writing Tips